The Positive Technique Of The Three Wake-up Calls

To educate our children, it is important that we apply positive techniques that respect their self-esteem and do not hurt them, such as the three wake-up call technique.
The positive technique of the three wake-up calls

When educating children, it is very important to apply positive discipline so as not to damage their self-esteem and security. Here we are going to see the technique of the three attention calls to correct the little ones when they do not listen.

It is essential not to use negative behaviors and treatment towards infants, since this affects their attitudes and behaviors negatively. This technique allows to attract the attention of children in a positive way and, in addition, it is quite effective. Do you want to know what it consists of?

The three wake-up call technique

Surely, when your child ignores you, you have to tell him a million times to take a certain action and, even so, he still does not obey; This leads you, most of the time, to get angry, lose your patience and end up yelling at him. But this is precisely what you must not allow to happen.

Mother using the three wake-up call technique with her daughter.

The yelling and bad manners end up damaging the child and his self-esteem. In addition, we, as parents, end up feeling bad for having yelled at or spoken in bad ways. So, we don’t have to get to that point to avoid damaging their emotional development.

Therefore, this technique of the three attention calls is effective and children end up getting used to these three touches, after which, if they have not done what is being asked, there will be consequences (loss of reinforcements or privileges, punish not) .

Although yelling has short-term results, in the long run, they have more negative consequences, therefore, it is not appropriate to use them. With the technique we are talking about here, although the results take longer to obtain, we will be preventing many future problems.

How to use this technique?

It is important to keep in mind that, when we use this technique of the three calls of attention, we do it gradually and we control the tone of voice in all three very much. This is very important.

First call for attention

In this first call we will use a calm and quiet tone. We can even ask you to perform a certain action in a loving way.  “Please, can you pick up your toys?”

Second wake-up call

If when we have made the first call, the child ignores, we have to go to the second call. Here, the tone of voice has to be more serious, so that the child realizes that we are not playing and that he has to do what we are asking him to do.

Third wake-up call

If neither the first nor the second phase has taken effect, we will have to apply the third wake-up call. Now, we will use a more forceful tone of voice and, showing total confidence, we will ask you again to do what we are saying and what consequences you will have if you do not obey.

We will always use the loss of privileges, we will never resort to punishments. If the child listens, we will give him something he wants and that is not anything material, it can be to watch a movie together, play with him, make his favorite food, etc.

If, despite this, you do not comply with what we ask of you, in a totally serious tone we will indicate that it is not correct to disobey us and, furthermore, that you  have to do what we are asking you, even if it has to be an order.

Father talking to his daughter about coping with the loss of a friend.

What must be taken into account when applying this positive technique?

  • We should not go too far in asking him to do several actions at the same time, because he could get confused and not pay attention to us. Therefore, we will indicate, at most, two tasks.
  • We have to point out to him the consequences that his disobedience will have. Thus, as we apply this technique, you will realize how important it is to carry out the action in the first or second call for attention.
  • We will take care of the words we use ; We will never say any expression that hurts or offends you. When he does what you ask him to do, thank him very affectionately for heeding.
  • When we ask you to do a certain activity, we will explain why you should do it.

On the technique of the three attention calls

This three wake-up call technique can be very effective if done correctly. We must always bear in mind that, if we find ourselves angry or upset, it is better that we take a few minutes to calm down before doing it, because, if not, we could say something that is not right.

The techniques of positive discipline

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