The Pros And Cons Of Gifted Children

Gifted children tend to be demotivated due to lack of resources for their abilities. Having gifted children has pros and cons, we will tell you!
The Pros and Cons of Gifted Children

A gifted child is not really a special case, it is common for certain people to be born with superior intellectual capacity, it is something inevitable and it usually develops without complications. However, more than 90% of gifted children fail to be identified as such.

Having gifted children represents an educational challenge, since the strategies to train them must be appropriate to their level, both in their education at home and at school; however, giftedness is not a guarantee of academic and personal success.

So, although many may think that problems are solved just by having a child with these qualities, they could be wrong, because along with the positive aspects that describe it, come those that are negative and that also persecute them.

Among the negative aspects that we could never have imagined is the fact that about 40% of children who are born gifted do not even make it to college. They do not achieve the academic success that seemed to be guaranteed for them. One of the main disadvantages in this regard is that there is no suitable system for your needs.

The lack of motivation that they receive according to their characteristics is another of the great problems that these children face, something that is common in most of the activities that they initiate. That is why parents are obliged to target these abilities in any way possible, all in order to avoid being frustrated with their talent and emotionally deprived.

Gifted children, their pros and cons

Gifted and bored baby

Being gifted should always be an advantage, without a doubt it is preferable that our problems are good, but unfortunately such a beautiful quality has been largely affected by disadvantages. In society the figure of a person with a high IQ has not finished penetrating, as it is something that makes him different.

As we know, being different is a very difficult condition to cope with, as there is a certain disrespect for individualities. Children in particular have a hard time dealing with other children whose behavior is not “normal”. This exposes our children to join a group that is partly aggressive and intolerant. To be more clear about this aspect, we want to analyze the pros and cons for gifted children.


Here are some of the pros:

  • They are very aware of the general notions of coexistence and conflict resolution.
  • They manage to innovate and take advantage of all the characteristics of those topics that interest them. This makes them productive and resourceful people.
  • They are persevering, something that guarantees permanence in an interest until a total resolution is reached.
  • They know how to ask and investigate in order to create their own concepts, while they get to know other people better and be able to deal with adults from an early age.
  • They learn very quickly, which is why they are able to cover more elements in a short time.
  • They almost never need the same information repeated many times.
  • Due to their heightened understanding, they can locate efficient solutions, something that makes them the right person to resolve most everyday conflicts.
  • They can be insightful in finding answers to personal needs, with the ability to identify abilities of each individual.
  • They are more likely to be taken into account for important things and to move with determination towards clear goals.
Gifted children investigating


Next we are going to tell you what are the cons to take into account:

  • They can become insensitive to the needs of others.
  • They develop irony to a great extent and perceive the weaknesses of others with a certain black humor.
  • They often become unmotivated and bored, which is why they can waste much of their time.
  • Sometimes they have symptoms of depression and can easily become isolated.
  • They are often victims of bullying, since a certain self-sufficiency that describes them can trigger jealousy and intolerance from other children.
  • They can be very critical and disrespectful of the rules.
  • They are restless, mischievous and sometimes unkind
  • They express a bad mood, sometimes melancholy and signs of emotional instability.
  • Their attitude can be very cunning, they create very well elaborated arguments in their purely defensive nature.
  • They are regularly excluded from groups.
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