The Real Cost Of Pregnancy

A pregnancy is planned and faced with enthusiasm, many times without taking into account that it involves personal and financial costs that we have to assess.
The real cost of pregnancy

When a woman discovers that she is pregnant, she prepares to start a magical process. He knows that, from that moment on, and in a short time, his life will change completely. But despite being an extremely rewarding experience, pregnancy has a real cost for every woman.

From the beginning of pregnancy you will experience changes on a physical, personal and emotional level. The hidden costs of engendering life within you must be taken into account when selecting the ideal time to become a mother. It is necessary to be aware that it will not be an easy path, you have to be prepared.

Therefore, whether you are pregnant or if you are planning to increase your family in the near future, this article will surely be of use to you. Maternity is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life, and you have to do it with all the information about it.

Maternity leave

Not all women can take paid maternity leave. There are many women who are self-employed and, even if they are out of work due to maternity leave, they must continue to pay their taxes the same.

But not only that, in addition, they must have enough savings to be able to pay their bills during the sick months and cover the needs of the baby when it has arrived in the world. Self-employed workers if they don’t work, they don’t get paid.

Pondering the real cost of pregnancy

Possible job loss and penalties, a real cost

This is a sad reality. Society wants women to have children but at the same time they sanction them if they have them because they are no longer ‘productive’. The law is supposed to protect pregnant women from discrimination, but in many cases, in real life, this does not happen. Pregnant women can lose physically demanding jobs and may even be penalized for poor performance.

Many companies refuse to employ women who want to be mothers in the short term. They can give them leave without pay in case they become pregnant or even – and unfortunately – fire them.

Maternity clothes

Unless you are part of the rare group of privileged women who do not need to wear specific clothes for pregnancy, you will need to renovate your wardrobe. The reality, for the vast majority of mothers, is that they will have to invest some money in maternity clothes. It may not be many clothes that you need, but it will always entail an additional cost.

Pregnant women’s clothing is not cheap, it is another real cost that you must take into account. For this reason, it will be necessary that you have a set aside money to be able to spend it in this need. Although you may be lucky enough to meet someone who can lend you maternity clothes during the nine months of your pregnancy.

Possible complications

We all hope to have an easy and healthy pregnancy, but sometimes there are complications that cannot be remedied. Specific medical treatments may be needed that require additional expense on your part. Or maybe you need to rest in bed and stop working – and stop getting paid if you are a self-employed woman. It is necessary that before getting pregnant you take into account these possible unforeseen events to avoid throwing your hands at your head in the future due to lack of money.


Health insurance

There are many women who can receive Social Security assistance if they live in Spain, but not all women enjoy these services. Or it is even possible that, even if you have this opportunity, you prefer to have personalized and much more specific attention. In this case, there are pregnant women who choose to pay for medical insurance to be cared for throughout the pregnancy in a private clinic and have a delivery in the place where they consider they will be best cared for.

Keep in mind the real cost of pregnancy

These are just some of the elements that are part of the real cost that the pregnant woman will entail for you. Obviously later you will have other additional expenses related to raising your baby, but this is an aspect that is usually taken into account more.

Pregnancy is usually planned and faced with enthusiasm, many times without reflecting on all that it implies. Therefore, before becoming a mother, try to be prepared for it.

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