The Sweet And Wonderful Smell Of Baby, A Sensational Connection

The sweet and wonderful smell of baby, a sensational connection

Is there anything sweeter and more wonderful than the smell of baby? Is there something that touches us more and ignites both our senses and being able to perceive the fragrance of our little ones?

There are probably few things in this life that are so sensational and so unforgettable, as well as that revolutionize our love and elevate it to the maximum power as the smell of baby.

No smell moves us so much and is as necessary to us as the smell of baby, an aroma that envelops us and immerses us in an oasis of love, care and protection.

The smell of a child is a heavenly tune

Studies show that the smell of a child has as much addictive potential for women as drugs do for some people. This has its evolutionary sense, as it encourages the strengthening of the mother and child bond.

But how do you do it? Let’s see some details of how this natural biological reaction occurs so linked to maternal functions:

First of all, we must know that the nose is so essential for the emotional connection with the emotional or limbic areas of our brain that it is called the rhinencephalon or olfactory brain.

The olfactory bulbs are directly linked to the amygdala, the brain center that governs instinct, including the maternal one. Likewise, our brain will release dopamine, a hormone directly related to the most pleasant rewards.

A sleeping baby with a flower hat

This means that the smell of our little ones will be associated with feelings of love and protection so intense that their sweetness will always be wonderfully intoxicating.

The smell of a baby is so magnificent that recent studies give compelling reasons to affirm that the olfactory changes that occur in pregnancy and postpartum give the mother a finer and sharper sense, in such a way that we could affirm that the mother it gets smarter and more accurate.

In the first place, during pregnancy there is a great increase in olfactory sensitivity, but it is that at the same time of delivery a neuronal explosion occurs that favors imprinting.

An imprint that we remember for the rest of our lives: the first strong thread in the web of sensations that unites mothers with their children. In fact, within 24 hours a mother is able to distinguish the scent of her child from among many others.

Mother smiling at her baby

The smell of our children is a fundamental pillar for emotional communication

The truth is that when a mother cradles, hugs or caresses her child, her hands, arms and chest are pure expression, direct and loving. Similarly, when the baby snuggles into his mother’s lap, they are both talking without saying a word.

This emotional communication with our babies through small gestures is one of the most beautiful sensations of this stage. No doubt that is how it is remembered and evoked by every mother when children begin to grow.

It is interesting that we write these feelings and that, in some way, we are registering those little details that make us feel so comforted and with such a desire to love our children.

In this way, when they grow up we can evoke certain sensations, as well as develop a map of love that allows us to tell our little one his story in the most faithful way possible.

It is a pity that we cannot keep the fragrance of children in a small bottle, because without a doubt it is, in addition to one of the powerful aromas of our life, one of the sweetest, most tender, purest and cleanest memories that we will always keep with us.

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