The Value Of Teaching Children To Say “thank You”

The value of teaching children to say "thank you"

Saying “thank you” is the most direct way to return a gesture, a detail that another person had or will have for us. It is an attitude that recognizes how much we appreciate action.

Graces are used to compensate, not financially, but spiritually, to someone. Whoever is the bearer of the word always has as a response a kind gesture, a smile, an affable movement of the head to indicate: it’s okay, there’s no reason, you deserve it, enjoy it …

Whoever receives the thanks endorses the reward of having done correctly and made someone feel good. Of course, he is also the recipient of a reciprocal affection that will help him to consolidate the ties of friendship with that other being or, the possibility of establishing a new friendship in the event that they have just met.

He who does not know how to say “thank you”, or who knows, but considers that he does not need to, becomes a lonely being, with an impoverished soul, who is oblivious to the value of good manners.

Teach your child that any time is a good time to say thank you

If you recognize a good friend in a classmate, thank them for being one.

The patience that his teacher has for him when he teaches him mathematics, the affection that his grandmother gives him, the presence of his sister who offers him so much security … Tell your child that he should thank them by giving back the love they give him and telling him so , personally, to each of them.

There is no right time to give thanks. While it is true that gratitude is shown when you receive a good deed, a gift or a gesture from someone, you must learn to give thanks at any time and for any reason.

Graces are not asked for, demanded or sought with good deeds

Graces are not requested or done well by waiting for that spiritual retribution. Even when gratitude is one of the essential values ​​of good manners, you don’t have to be nice and do a good deed, expecting the other to appreciate it. Good is done selflessly.

Even those who work against you must be thanked

Friends, those who help him, advise him well, and always have their arms outstretched to shake hands and accompany him on the convoluted path of life: sharing sadness and joys, they are the ones who first deserve your gratitude.

However, everyone is worthy of being thanked, even those who take action or say something against them.

If your environment were only surrounded by friends, you would not have to excel in spiritual and professional matters to be better every day.

He would live eternally in his comfort zone and would never know envy, failure, evil, anger, betrayal …, a host of feelings that strengthen the spirit and make him know human nature as it is.

Friends must be thanked for good, enemies for evil. Both will give you the strength to move forward.

The value of teaching children to say: thank you

Mom, teach your child to say thank you when someone else gives him candy, opens a door, or picks him up to sit in a seat.

If he is older, let him know that always giving thanks will make him a prettier child, whom everyone admires and loves for his manners.

Teach him that gratitude is an inalienable part of peace, of a pleasant coexistence and of mutual respect ; and that a good way to reciprocate good attitudes, that is: thank you and accompany the word with a sincere smile.

Inculcate these knowledge as we always recommend: setting an example. If you thank him for how happy he makes you, being part of your life, loving you, and for all the love he offers you…, sooner rather than later you will have reaped the same fruit.

It does not matter if at the beginning they do not understand what the word “thank you” means and only repeat it because you have taught them that way. It is better that, from a young age, he grows up with that knowledge acquired as he grows up along with many others: kindness, companionship, courtesy, honesty, tolerance and respect.

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