Tips For Children To Interact With Others

Tips for children to interact with others

It is possible that your children have learned (or are in it) to relate to others thanks to the example they see in you. His personality also influences how children relate to others, but above all he will need your guide and your advice to be able to do it correctly and to know when to relate to others, when not and how to do it.

From the age of three

There are parents who do not know when is the best time for children to understand that you cannot talk to everyone equally and that you have to be careful with strangers. The best age to do this is from three years old and it is at this age that they begin to have more contact with the environment and with the people around them.

You have to prevent them from being afraid

The goal is not for children to be afraid of people, far from it. The goal is for them to learn to be selective about who they talk to and who they shouldn’t talk to. You can tell him that he can talk to anyone that mom and dad know but if he is a stranger then no. Children need to have the proper guidance on when and how to properly relate to others.


Safety is the most important

Children should understand that no adult will ask a child for help, so if an adult approaches him without knowing him to ask for something, that is not okay. If you start at age three with these types of safety rules with relationships with others, they will be able to internalize them so that they know that this is the right thing to do and that you should not talk to strangers.

How to do it so that children do not feel fearful

There are many ways to promote safety without generating fear in children, so it is necessary to train children with a positive approach. For example, you can tell him that there are safety rules that must be followed and that all children and adults must follow.

Children live with rules every day (at home, at school, in extracurricular activities, etc.), so this will be one more way to know what is right than what is not. This will help children recognize what an unsafe situation is or if someone else’s behavior is inappropriate. Explain to children that they should not talk to strangers until their mother or father is there.

Be a good relationship example

Children need to see in you a good example of relationship and interaction with others. If you respect people, their personal space and communicate properly with both people you know and those you do not know, your children will learn a positive model to relate to other people. Children need to feel capable of relating to others (known and unknown) without fear, but knowing that there are circumstances in which caution must be exercised.


Teaching children to trust their instincts

We all have a security instinct that alerts us when something is right and what is not, this instinct is activated with the guidance of parents and children should know what it is. It is that feeling that is felt in the pit of your stomach when you think that something is not right or that it is not right. When a person feels this in the pit of the stomach it is what is called instinct and we all have it, adults and children.

Young children are also in touch with their instincts and can learn to differentiate that feeling from different ones. Children need to be taught that their feelings are very important at any time, and if there is a strange feeling, you should always pay attention to it as well.

In order for them to understand this instinct, you can tell them things such as that you feel as if you are scared, sad, angry or even as if you are disgusted by something or someone. Children innately will listen to their instincts and that is why it is so important to make them see that it is something they must listen to.

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