What Are Red Spots On Baby’s Eyes?

It is normal that, in the first days after delivery, you will find red spots in the baby’s eyes. There is nothing you should be alarmed about; When the child comes out through the birth canal, he suffers small hemorrhages that will disappear a few weeks later.
What are red spots on baby's eyes?

Does your baby have red spots in his eyes? In the first days after delivery, the child may experience changes in some part of his face or skin. Therefore, do not panic, especially if you are a new mother.

During the first days after birth, it is completely normal to notice small red spots on the white of your baby’s eye. This is produced by the compression suffered by the child when it comes out through the birth canal.

Although your body adapts and makes more room for your baby to come out, this channel is very narrow. For this reason, small hemorrhages appear.

However, you should be calm, since these will disappear between the first and second week of life. In case the spots get worse, it is advisable to go to a pediatrician.

Why are there red spots in my baby’s eyes?

It is common for small red spots to appear in your baby’s eyes after delivery. In the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that covers the back of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball, there are a large number of small blood vessels that can break. This is the main cause of these spots in the child’s eye.

However, it  is important that you know how to differentiate these small hemorrhages from angiomas.  Angioma or hemangioma is a reddish lesion made up of small grouped blood vessels.

They can be found in 8% of children during their first year of life; later, that percentage is reduced to 1% when the children turn two years old. Vascular lesions are more common in pediatric age.

Red spots in a baby's eyes do not usually cause discomfort.

How and where are angiomas located?

Hemangiomas are benign tumors that occur frequently during childhood, which can be located anywhere in the body.  However, the most common places where they develop are the eyes, nose, mouth, genitals, and anus.

Regarding the moment of appearance, they can appear from the moment of birth or appear in the first weeks of life as cavernous angioma, its most common form.

This type of angioma is a group of abnormal blood vessels that can be found anywhere in the body. The cavernous angioma is deep and causes elevations in the skin. In addition, it can be of two types: congenital and developmental from childhood.

Congenital angiomas are presented by some babies at birth and vary greatly in size, location, and course. Regarding the evolutionary angiomas of childhood, they have relief since they usually appear as a lump on the skin.

At first, they are so small that they can hardly be seen, but as the months go by they grow and get bigger and bigger.

Hygiene and care that your baby’s eyes require

Apart from small hemorrhages and angiomas, you must be very careful with the lashings and the obstruction of your baby’s tear duct. Keep in mind that the eyes should be a very important part of your child’s daily care.

The child’s eyes require regular cleaning since, due to the nagging, they usually wake up with glued eyes. This does not bring any complications, but you must be very careful when removing them.

To remove the bugs, it is necessary to use physiological serum. The best thing for these cases is to use the single-dose ampoules, so you make sure that it is always sterile. It is not advisable to use ointments or any other type of similar product, unless prescribed by your doctor.

Parents need to know how to get rid of gunk from the baby.

You will also need sterile gauze pads, one for each eye. In this way, you will avoid infecting the other if there is a small infection in one eye. It is advisable not to use cotton, since the shedding of fibers can cause eye irritation.

It is not necessary to go to the doctor because the baby has a lot of mischief, except in the case that its production increases a lot or that these change color. A consultation is also recommended if the eye is very red.

As for lacrimal obstruction, some babies are born with it. It is a maturation problem called lacrimal duct stenosis. For the tear duct to drain, it is convenient that you massage the area, provided that your doctor has suggested this alternative and not another treatment.

The blockage should clear up over time. In case it does not subside with this technique, it is necessary to open the tear duct with a cannula, aided by saline solution.

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