What Are The Characteristics Of A Bad Teacher?

Know what are the characteristics of a bad teacher to identify behaviors that may affect your child’s education
What are the characteristics of a bad teacher?

There is a false belief in many educators that the use of rudeness is the method that must be followed so that children learn better. Nothing is further from reality, children will not present attention and will also fear it, generating a conflict that will develop in the future.

Unfortunately, far from applying positive learning, this quasi-military teaching method still persists in many educators. In this article we want to explain the characteristics that identify them.

A bad teacher always …

Look for guilty and instill some fear

He likes to expose his students to their failures and even ridicule them. In addition, these types of teachers tend to generate bad behavior in the student, reducing their learning capacity. It makes their fears increase in the face of any questioning, especially when for some reason they may be mistaken when faced with a question asked by the teacher. This comes to generate certain degrees of mistrust in students causing their interventions to be minimized for fear of being wrong.

It does not encourage participation or is based on continuous evaluation

A bad teacher never takes into account the participation of his students. They always want to have total and absolute control of the class, denying even additional explanations when a student wishes to deepen on a certain aspect, arguing that they cannot be delayed in the academic program.

In addition, it is common that they do not take into account the intentions that students make during the development of classes or any attitude they take to improve their academic performance. They only qualify based on the exam. 

Democratic education promotes the participation of all.

Blames the students for the poor results of the class as a whole

He does not stop to think why 90% of the students had a bad grade, although they allege that everything is the product of the disinterest shown by the students in the subjects studied. They never make an assessment of what their role was in all of this.

Doesn’t worry about updating

A bad teacher always maintains an old-fashioned line of teaching. He does not worry about improving by updating himself with new technologies. Many do not even allow their students to use these modern and advanced resources.

They want to be the authority

For some teachers, keeping a safe distance from their students is something that brings them great benefit because they will be seen as the true authority. However, it is considered that all those teachers who come to relate closely with their students are those who acquire the best respect and admiration for them, coming to provide them with a level of trust and security for the rest of their lives.

Does not go deep

They are only interested in teaching their students the basics about the topics studied. As a result of the fear they instill, students will not be able to ask the teacher for a better explanation.

With these tricks so as not to despair in the classroom, your coexistence with the students as a teacher will be much more enjoyable.

In short, they do not like children

A good teacher should have a certain empathy with each of his students and ensure that they enjoy their time in class. But why do some teachers not like children?

  • In primary schools, the main reason is the screaming and hubbub that students usually cause, something normal at this age.
  • In secondary schools the case is that they are young and, many times, users consider that they are not capable of presenting attention or showing interest, that they care more about other things.
  • At the University, teachers are more demanding people because of the little they charge, requiring a greater effort to teach them with greater sacrifice. If the motivation is nil, the consequence is clear.

Ultimately what exists is a lack of commitment to their students and many existing weaknesses in their knowledge.

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