What Is Herpangina In Babies?

Herpangina is a common infection in early childhood. Most cases are reported in children between the ages of 1 and 4, but babies are also susceptible to infection.
What is herpangina in babies?

Herpangina in babies is a benign pathology caused by contact or inhalation of a virus. It can affect anyone, but it most often affects children under the age of 5 who attend schools, daycare centers, or camps.

The truth is that it is a very common type of angina caused by the group A Coxsackie virus.  It is contagious and can spread quickly.

In spite of everything, you should not worry too much, since most cases resolve on their own in about a week without causing complications.


When contracting the virus, the process begins abruptly in a feverish context with abdominal pain. The symptoms that the little one may experience are similar to those of a classic angina. These are the symptoms that herpangina can include in babies:

  • Abdominal, throat, head and neck pain.
  • Swollen lymph glands.
  • Sudden onset of fever
  • Difficulty to swallow.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Drooling
Herpangina in Babies.

Small sores in the back of the mouth and throat begin to appear about 2 days after the initial infection. They tend to be light gray in color and often have a red border. Ulcers generally heal within 7 days.

How to prevent herpangina in babies?

Like many other viruses, herpangina is contagious and can easily spread from one to another. If your baby has the disease, it is important that you take precautions to prevent this from happening.

The maximum frequency of the disease is between the months of June to September.  Keep in mind that the risk of contamination is high in young children, especially in summer, and that contagion occurs through the air, or by contact with parts of the body and through objects.

It is very difficult to prevent herpangina in babies, since protecting the baby from elements such as contamination is sometimes an almost impossible task and, in addition, most people carry the virus without having symptoms.

If you have a case of herpangina in babies at home, we recommend that you avoid attending nursery until the baby is fully recovered, for this, you will need to rest at home.  Also, you should make sure to wash their hands frequently during the day while your child is sick and to clean the surfaces that your baby has been in contact with.

What are the causes?

As with any angina, a virus is the cause of 60-75% of herpangina cases in babies. Generally, it is caused by group A Coxsackievirus. However, it can also be caused by group B Coxsackievirus, Enterovirus 71, and Echovirus.

They are typically transmitted through contact with fecal matter. The infection can also be transmitted through contact with droplets produced by a sneeze or by coughing from an infected person. Also, the virus can live on surfaces and objects, such as countertops and toys, for several days.

Herpangina in Babies.

How is it treated?

To combat herpangina in babies in the correct way, it is necessary to assist the doctor, who will evaluate the patient and determine the best pharmacological treatment to control the symptoms and, progressively, relieve the little one.

If consistent treatment is maintained and additional measures are taken (a good diet, a good rest, etc.), the symptoms should disappear in 7 days.

Regardless, your specific treatment plan will depend on a variety of factors, including your age, symptoms, and tolerance to certain medications.

It is a type of viral infection and therefore antibiotics are not an effective way. Instead, your doctor may recommend that you take the following steps:

  • Ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications will ease any discomfort and lower the baby’s fever.
  • Topical anesthetics. Certain anesthetics, such as lidocaine, can relieve a sore throat and any other ailment in the mouth associated with herpangina.
  • Increased fluid intake. It is important that the little one drinks plenty of fluids during recovery, especially water and cold milk. Also, you should avoid that the baby consume citrus and hot drinks, since they can worsen the symptoms.
Anginas and pharyngitis in childhood

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