What Is The Best Age To Be A Mother?

One of the most frequently asked questions is what is the best age to be a mother. To answer it, a number of important factors must be taken into account.
What is the best age to be a mother?

The best age to have a child is a question that often worries us. To begin with, because many times we are not fully aware of how complex the formation of a human being in the womb is. In this regard, we do not stop learning as new data and scientific advances emerge.

And is that the gestation period is one of the most interesting and captivating issues that exist, both biologically and emotionally. Because of this, it is not surprising that the most recent work focuses on figuring out the best age to be a mother.

Next, we will tell you about some interesting facts regarding age and motherhood. 

Data we have known forever

Formerly, it was recommended that women have children as soon as possible. In fact, women have always been urged to have children as soon as they can or want.

Over the years, age standards for motherhood have varied according to culture and geographic area. However, for some years it has been estimated that, at a physiological level,  the most fertile age is between 24 and 25 years of age for women. During this period, the chances of pregnancy are more than 20%.

As age increases, the ease of conceiving decreases. At the beginning of your thirties, the probability of pregnancy remains around 15% and after 35 years of age, the probability is estimated to be around 8%. From the age of 40, unfortunately, the rate stands at 2%.

Why is 40 not the best age to be a mother?

Today women are no longer relegated solely to the home or family environment. There are more and more women working, therefore, having children is no longer considered a priority. This is one of the causes that delay the moment of motherhood in many women.

In fact, today, getting a good job and job stability are goals that must be achieved before making any decisions, especially being a mother. This shows that motherhood is no longer a choice to be taken lightly.

Motherhood requires a responsibility towards the future baby that implies being able to maintain it in conditions and, on the other hand,  knowing how to reconcile family life with work life. This is the reason why many women delay becoming mothers. Unfortunately, a late pregnancy can lead to complications, and not just during the gestational stage.

Possible problems during a late pregnancy

There are a number of genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, which are more likely to appear when the woman is older. This is due to the aging of cells, which sometimes do not divide correctly. It is also possible that an abortion may occur or that there are problems during delivery.

Child crawling

Women with high blood pressure or diabetes may experience bleeding or complications with the baby’s placenta. If these diseases were not suffered before, gestational diabetes or an increase in blood pressure can occur in the same way.

If you choose to be a mother after forty years of age, it is advisable to ask your family doctor and gynecologist for help and information. They will study each case and will know how to advise in the most appropriate way.

What is the best age to get pregnant?

According to the latest studies, the average age of pregnant women in Spain is 32 years. This is because the 1930s are the intermediary between extreme youth and excessive maturity. At 20, young women consider themselves too immature to bring a baby into the world. They need to have experiences, meet people and find a stable partner.

At 40, on the contrary, one fears for the risks caused by pregnancy. The decade of the 30 is, therefore, the ideal one for the majority of Spanish women. At this age it is more common to have a stable partner and job, and there is a completely different maturity from that of the previous stages.

Motherhood is a personal decision

The best age to have a baby is around 32 years old

Be that as it may, the perfect age to be a mother is every woman’s choice. Each one knows what is best for her and what best suits her way of life. There are women who consider themselves ready at a very young age, while others do not feel the maternal instinct until very late.

If doubts arise, it is advisable to ask experts, as well as our family and friends.  Also, talking to other people who have been through similar situations is always helpful.

It does not matter what you choose, as long as you have all the relevant information. The best age to be mothers will be the one in which we feel better prepared to face the challenge. A baby needs a lot of love and affection, and for that, you really don’t need any preparation. 

Advantages of being a mother after 40

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