When Children Want To Know The Why Of Everything

When children want to know the why of everything

Is your child between three and four years old and keeps asking the dreaded questions that begin with a why? Don’t worry, the time has come when children want to know the why of everything. Don’t give up, don’t despair. Here we explain how to take it well.

It is absolutely normal for any mother to despair when her little one does not stop asking the why of this, the why of that, the why of the other. His curiosity is overwhelmed and he wants to know everything. If we change the way we see it and we arm ourselves with an infinite dose of patience, it can become a fun time with the little one and a very important way of learning.


Steps to act on the why of everything

As we know that it is an important stage for the child but desperate for the parents, we are going to try to help you. For this we have prepared a guide with different aspects:

  • First and foremost, make use of empathy. Imagine that you arrive in a world full of stimuli, colors, flavors, things of all kinds to discover and until this moment you did not know how to use words. You want to know everything but your knowledge about it is very limited, you can only ask: Why…?
  • Second and not least. Do not lose your nerves and demand that they shut up. This is an important facet in the development of your personality and it will depend on it whether or not it is difficult for you to ask questions in the future. If at that moment you don’t want to or you can’t, tell him that you answer him later because at that moment you are busy.
  • Patience. Not only empathizing with him and understanding that he is discovering the world around him is enough to avoid the fact that you would love him to stop throwing questions in chains like a machine gun. Patience is one of your best allies. Think that it is only a time and it will pass.
  • Asking her questions to divert her attention from the interrogation she’s subjecting you to is a diversionary tactic. If you ask him a question regarding the subject on which he is raising the various doubts, you can maintain a minimum conversation and distract him for a short period of time from the barrage of interpellations.
  • It is a way of spending time with your child, communicating with him and getting him to learn by giving him explanations of the why of some things, increasing his vocabulary with new terms that he did not know until now.
  • Remember first of all to try to put yourself in their shoes and be patient. It is a time to enjoy and make your little advance in the knowledge of what surrounds you.

What happens during the phase with the why of everything

What happens is that the child until now did not speak and used other means to discover his environment, such as touch, sight or taste. And now he has a new capacity that he was unaware of and is delighted, it is nothing more nor less than language.


A new and very fun experience. He likes the sound of his voice, he is amused by the tone used when asking, and also his intelligence and curiosity advance by leaps and bounds and there is so much world to discover that everything is very interesting.

In addition, they alone cannot know the why of everything that surrounds them and Mom and Dad do. They need a guide to give them the appropriate explanations of why things happen, why the world is full of colors, why everything moves, why they exist … It is a fantastic moment in which you are a well of wisdom for him. small.

There is also the fact that the same question is repeated several times. It is totally normal. He does this to reaffirm his knowledge. In your constant exploration you need positive reinforcement and one of the ways is to rephrase the same question to make sure you know the answer, which is the same and has not changed.

And finally, stress that even if it seems otherwise, it is a beautiful moment and you can enjoy it. At this time you are the smartest for the little one, he feels adoration for you, he wants to communicate with you and tell him things, spend time with you. A phase that will not last forever.

In addition, the fact that he knows new words, that he maintains conversations and gets answers, will help him so that tomorrow he will be an outgoing child, with developed social skills and with a broader culture.

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