When Does The Critical Sense Appear In Children

Do you know when children begin to develop their critical sense? Keep reading, because you will be surprised.
When does the critical sense appear in children

Critical thinking is essential for the development of any person from the earliest childhood. That is why it is so important that you take into account when the critical sense appears in children, to be able to enhance it from when your children are very young.

Children’s critical sense has to do with their thinking, with how they evaluate situations and what they think about them. It is the way in which they analyze and evaluate all the information they receive through their senses. For this, it is necessary to listen to others, know the good and separate it from the bad and, ultimately, make decisions being analytical and critical.

It is not easy if it is not strengthened from childhood. How many adults do not know how to make decisions if they are not supported by others? This is because their critical sense fails them, which most likely did not work well in their childhood.

Children’s critical thinking

When children develop their critical sense or their critical thinking, it is because they are developing their abilities to reason, solve problems and, finally, to make good decisions. It is the logical thinking that allows them to ask themselves questions to find the most appropriate explanation for a situation or event that has happened.

Mother helping her daughter to develop her critical sense.

Children do not inherit this ability from their parents or their ancestors, it is not something found in genetics. This is why it is so important that parents and educators take this into account.

The ideas in the head

The critical sense in children appears when it begins to be encouraged. That is, when children begin to formulate sentences, they are already able to develop their critical thinking progressively.

This means that from 2 to 4 years old children can begin to promote their critical thinking, as long as their information processing capacity is taken into account, as well as their ability to reflect and reason.

When critical thinking is promoted, creativity and problem solving are being promoted. That is why it is so important that the critical sense of children is worked on as soon as possible, because that way, as they grow up they will know how to analyze the things that surround them and the information that is reaching them, something fundamental in the digital world that we live in.

Educating children with a critical sense

As parents, we are obliged to educate children within their critical sense, so that their thinking can have a meaning in their life and they know how to analyze in depth those aspects that interest them at a given moment.

So that you are really teaching your children to develop their critical sense of things, it will be important to take into account several aspects:

  • Don’t impose your criteria on them.
  • Let them decide independently.
  • You can guide them in their decisions, but always respecting their interests.
  • Teach them to differentiate what is important from what is not.
  • Respect their tastes and interests.
  • Ask them questions about topics that interest them for reflection.
  • Allow them to ask you everything they need and make them question things.
  • Teach them to analyze the pros and cons of things.
  • Help them analyze the information and what differentiates truth from falsehood.
  • Find topics that are of interest to your children to open a discussion at home.
  • When your children are wrong in their criteria, don’t make them feel bad; it reinforces their confidence so that they have their own personality and know how to make decisions in the future.
  • Help them use logic in their thoughts, always in a positive way.
  • Whenever they have a doubt about something, help them to look for explanations and, in this way, they can draw their own conclusions.
    Father watching a movie with his daughter to develop her critical sense.
  • It helps to reinforce such important values ​​in life as tolerance, equality, empathy, and assertiveness.
  • Take a piece of news that is of interest and give your opinion on it, generating debate and comparing opinions with each other.
  • Encourage reading at home and watching movies that allow them to debate after reading or watching different ones by sight.
  • Play questions and answers at home.

    These points are some ideas that will help you begin to educate your children in their critical sense and that their thinking becomes critical in the face of different life situations. It will help them not to be manipulated by others or by large marketing campaigns . They will have their own thought. Likewise, it is important that the activities are adapted to the age and capacity of the children in question.

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