When Motherhood Keeps Waiting

Society should try to understand those women who have difficulties in becoming mothers. We invite you to reflect on this topic.
When motherhood makes you wait

On many occasions, motherhood is made to wait. In some cases it is the choice of the woman, but in many others it is due to a certain difficulty or impossibility. Fortunately today there are many methods that facilitate sleep for thousands of women who yearn to become mothers.

The illusion of having a child breaks in at some point in the lives of many women. However, when couples decide to start their families, months and even years can go by without results. It is there where a series of fears are present that generate mixed feelings.

Time passes, anxiety and anguish do not wait. When you believe that infertility comes true, it starts a real nightmare. The arrival of the days of menstruation implies a new torture. All the questions of relatives and curious are a shot to the heart.

When motherhood is made to wait for a long time, questions invade our minds. Medicine begins to slow down while the world seems in a hurry. However, this is not an isolated case. You are not the only one struggling to fulfill a great desire.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that 10% of couples suffer from some inability to conceive. Of course, this difficulty is much more complicated than people imagine as it has a series of unsuspected effects for the rest of the world.


Motherhood is made to wait, I don’t want to suffer anymore!

Motherhood is made to wait, and each day that passes is a real agony. Every test that throws up that loathsome negative is the hardest blow to a torn soul. All this only slowly curtails the hope and illusion of the parents.

Even this unfortunate and painful condition carries a series of psychological and clinical consequences for the couple. Similarly, financial consequences can arise when those involved are subjected to a myriad of practices, procedures and alternatives.

Sadness, anger and disappointment can take hold of women and men who take this situation as a failure. Depression and the search for some explanation, which cannot be digested, much less accepted.

Intimate relationships begin to be planned practically obsessively. Time becomes a mere calendar. And the gods become enemies of the couple by denying that that expected miracle of life occurs. The bad mood is the daily constant of the home.

An inexplicable pain, and sometimes misunderstood

The lives of parents who are looking for children without success seem frozen in time. While they perceive themselves arrested, they observe how everything in their environment passes and mutates inexorably. A condemnation of being the last to know of the family’s arrival, an invitation to avoid those friends who have become parents.

Yes, pretend, even if it hurts happiness. Feeling that life does not burn, but hurts, mocks. Not being able to control frustration. That is what ultimately happens when motherhood is made waiting. And how many times have you been speechless or wished to be engulfed by a tile?


“By when the baby?” , “What do you expect to give a / a brother / a?”,  Phrases that – still pronounced with the best intention – suppose an incalculable cruelty. People worrying about other people’s wombs, one more finger in this yaga that doesn’t stop bleeding.

Guilt, yes, guilt dominates. Even if we do not have it, we cannot do anything, nor do we have decision-making power on these issues that are alien to us. The absurd self-incriminating hypotheses begin. “If I had tried before”, “I had to quit smoking much earlier”  or “It was because of eating poorly” are clear examples of this.

When motherhood makes itself wait, this emptiness increases in the soul, in the womb. Especially when you see those bulging abdomens of pregnant women. Feeling different, for a trait that destroys.

If this happens to you, you must be clear that life is much more than becoming a mother. Surely you have many other motivations that can make you equally happy. It is difficult to assume, but with the passage of time you may be able to see this situation in a less dark and painful way.

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