Why Shouldn’t You Sit Your Child In The Car With His Coat On?

Children wearing a coat can be dangerous. Discover in this article why, what the law says about it and the alternatives you have to this practice.
Why shouldn't you sit your child in the car with his coat on?

The safety of our little ones is something that always occupies us as mothers, that is why in winter we try to keep them warm to avoid a good cold, but it turns out that this same coat that we use to protect them from the cold can be a death trap in case of a collision.

Question of measures

A recent study has shown that the thickness of the jacket that we put on children in winter to protect them from the cold creates an unsafe space between the seat belt of the car seat and the body of young children.

In this way, since the bodies are insufficiently fixed to the car seat, they could be thrown in the event of a collision at only 60 km per hour.

Do a little test

Nothing like checking it out for yourself. Sit your little one in the car seat in the coat and fasten the belt, then lower him, take off his coat, and sit him back down. Notice that the difference between the straps and her torso is significant. Those few inches can make the difference between a crash with serious consequences and another with nothing to regret. Be cautious and don’t underestimate the scope of these security tests.

One minute makes a difference

Most of the mothers already leave the house with the little ones warm and likewise we put them in the car, this avoids having to remove their jacket just before making them get on and then put it back on before getting off. It is certainly very comfortable but it puts the lives of our children at risk.

So take a minute to remove his coat at the car door and then to put it on when getting out, your child’s life is worth much more than a minute. Keep in mind that accidents in winter tend to be more frequent.


Take a blanket in the car instead of a coat

If you want to keep them warm during transfers in the car, you can have a blanket for each of your children.

After you have each seated them in their chairs and tightened their belts, cover them with the blanket. As we know that sometimes we are in a hurry and time is short, teach them to wrap themselves up, they will surely feel great and autonomous. Give them that responsibility if they are already 3 years old or more, you will be amazed at how well they do.

Current regulations

Keep in mind that in Spain since October 1, 2015, the police or the Civil Guard are obliged to prevent the circulation of cars with children without observing safety regulations.

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This is basically that all the passengers of the vehicle must go with the seat belts properly placed and fastened, as well as other approved restraint systems, both when traveling on urban and interurban roads. All this according to article 117 of the General Traffic Regulations.

In addition, the legislation expressly prohibits children with a height of 135 centimeters or less from traveling in the front passenger seat unless they use devices approved for this purpose. Check the height of your children taking into account that generally children reach 135 centimeters between 8 and 10 years of age.

If you are in other countries of the European Economic Community, check the regulations of each locality as they tend to vary.

A little extra caution

It is convenient to check if, even if your child has reached 135 centimeters, it is convenient to carry him seated forward, especially in winter where there is a greater possibility of accidents due to weather conditions. We also recommend you to estimate your caution when traveling on roads or highways where cars tend to go at higher speeds.

Share the information

Make sure that dad, grandparents or other people who take your children in the car know this information, so they will travel safely with anyone.

Also tell your friends, help spread this information that can save lives and prevent serious accidents.

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