Wonderful News: More And More Extreme Premature Babies Come Out Ahead

Wonderful news: more and more extreme premature babies come out ahead

This is one of those wonderful news that we like to share, that we like to talk about and that brings us hope: more and more extreme premature babies are coming forward. In fact, nearly 67% of babies born between weeks 24 and 25 survive, and Those who are between weeks 23 and 24 already have a 27% chance of succeeding.

The data is positive, especially if we contrast it with what we had 15 years ago. However, we owe all of this to science and innovative medical and technological advances. However, as the experts explain to us, The biggest challenge that continues to be on everyone’s mind is to ensure that those babies who were born before their time and who have managed to survive, manage to grow without serious consequences.

Because that is undoubtedly an aspect that is not always talked about. A child born in week 23 has a certain chance of survival, but the hope that it will grow up without any developmental problems is always very complex. The family will need means, advice, information, social support and adequate coverage so that this little one can lead an inclusive, happy and autonomous life as far as possible.

The subject of extreme premature babies is always very complex and delicate. Behind every child who gets ahead there is a whole story of overcoming, of strong fathers, fighting mothers and incredible creatures who cling to life with all their might, giving us great examples. In “You are Mom” we talk about them.

Twice the number of extremely premature babies but twice the survival

extreme premature

The medical journal “Anales de Pediatría” offers us some interesting data to reflect on. One of them is the fact that the number of premature births has doubled in recent years. The cause is not entirely clear, in fact, it is not just because today’s moms give birth at a later age. Factors such as abnormalities in the placenta, infections, tobacco, poor diet, etc., could also be risk factors.

On the other hand, just as the number of non-term births have increased their rates, so has the life expectancy of these premature babies. An exceptional advance that has contributed to this is undoubtedly the technique of pulmonary surfactants.

What is lung surfactant?

It is a medical strategy that allows the baby to be assisted in taking oxygen while his lungs are not yet mature. In this way, the tension of the pulmonary alveolus is reduced, avoiding collapse and respiratory difficulties. It is undoubtedly a breakthrough capable of ensuring that extreme premature babies, those who are between the 23rd and 25th week, manage to survive.

Protocol changes that improve survival of the extreme preterm baby

The protocols when it comes to attending a premature birth have been improving over time. Giving moms steroids, for example, helps babies’ lungs mature a little better before they hit the world.

Also, fewer and fewer babies need to be intubated right after birth, and there are fewer infections as well. All this undoubtedly contributes to the fact that little by little babies who arrive before their time can start their life with their parents, the life they deserve and that their family had dreamed of.

Extreme babies, miracle babies

Extreme premature babies spend an average of 95 days in the hospital. During that time, mothers and fathers do not live, they “survive” as they can with anxiety and with those periods between two and three hours in which the baby’s state can change to one side or the other of the scale. Is not easy. 

It is also not for a very specific reason, families know that every time a premature baby must be resuscitated, the risk of neurological sequelae increases. The child may survive, but most likely he or she suffers from some form of disability or maturational delay.

We cannot forget that a normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. However, today, many hospitals are sometimes faced with babies between 20 and 22 weeks, when science and statistical data tell us that those infants less than 24 weeks are almost unviable.

In fact, the limit and the starting point for that viability are usually set at 25 weeks, although as some specialists explain to us,   if a center is well qualified in the area of ​​perinatal care, the probabilities that the babies will be less 25 weeks survive increases. Although the problem, yes, is in how the quality of life of that baby will be afterwards and what its possible consequences will be.

Hopefully, in the future, extreme premature babies can survive without any problem, healthy and strong like any other full-term child.

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